jafi - traducción al francés
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jafi - traducción al francés

Banavá; Banava; Jafí; Kitiya; Banauá; Banaua; Banawa people; Banawá people

JAFI, Jewish Agency For Israel, international Jewish organization which is involved in matters pertaining to Israeli immigration



The Banawá (also Banawa, Banavá, Jafí, Kitiya, Banauá) are an indigenous group living along the Banawá River in the Amazonas State, Brazil. Their territory is between the Juruá and Purus Rivers. Approximately 158 Banawá people live in one major village and two smaller settlements containing a single extended family each. The Banawá, who call themselves Kitiya, speak Banawá, a dialect of the Madi language.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para jafi
1. is young adults who come from Natan's organization, Jafi, to work through our Hillels and by funding
Identity, Freedom, and Global Responsibility _ Natan Sharansky _ Talks at Google